Saturday, 13 July 2024

Feels as if I've been busy

 I'm more or less recovered from my flu - apart from the occasional coughing fit that is, and this week I feel as if I have been busy.

I don't think I have though - my work cataloguing the contents of Lake View are on hold at the moment while a potential structural problem with the building is investigated, but I did go down to Chiltern one day this week to work on the additional documentation that has been asked for - essentially draw up some floor and wall plans and mark them up with my location data and then number the locations for cataloguing - so that what I might have originally described as 'dispensary corridor, assemblage 2, shelf 3' becomes 6.2.3, and that this is used as a prefix for the objects, so that bottle 2142 becomes

Very simple, very mechanical, but because I'm the only person on site who understood the initial cataloguing process (let's be fair I invented it in the absence of a formal plan), it fell to me to do the diagrams.

I thought I'd be able to get all the rough diagrams done this week, but it took a little longer than expected so I'll have to back next week for another session.

After that, it'll be a case of redrawing the diagrams without the scribbles and corrections on my originals and updating the set of markdown finding aids I wrote to describe which object is where with the numeric cataloguing codes. Hopefully by then the problems with Lakeview will be resolved and I can again get access.

I also had a session up at the Athenaeum this week - essentially going through bundles of archived papers and assessing their significance. I must say it's fun going to the Athenaeum as there's always something interesting going on with people researching family history, or the history of the apple industry, or indeed in earlier days the goldmines and the now vanished Chinese community in the area.

Otherwise, despite feeling as if I've been busy not much. 

I've been down a couple of internet rabbit holes including one using Google Lens to track the origin of an image from wartime Italy, but it's all good fun, and helps keep my skills up to scratch.

The cold weather has gone for the moment, but we're promised another Antarctic storm tomorrow with an outside chance of snow. 

However, despite it still firmly being winter, the bulbs are beginning to stir and the first daffodils are struggling to flower, and three weeks after midwinter, the days are beginning to get just that little bit longer ...

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