Sunday 28 July 2024

Spring is coming - maybe

 We're at that time at the end of July when the bulbs begin to flower, and the days are a little bit longer and a little bit warmer.

While I'm tempted to get back into the garden, our slightly warmer drier days are punctuated by freezing days like today, with a wind straight out of the Antarctic and squalls of sleet reminding you that winter's not quite done with us.

Workwise, I managed to get my extra documentation for Dow's finished while J was still in Tasmania.

I'd like to say that I'd had an opportunity to try out my old revived Lumix for some serious stuff but the replacement SD card is still in the mail somewhere. Next week perhaps.

When I drove down to pick J up from Seymour, I did take a moment to photograph the old flour mill in Euroa (now a night club) with its late Victorian frontage.

not to mention the equally magnificent Post Office building, which still functions as a post office

Otherwise it's been fairly mundane, with a bit of cat wrestling thrown in when we took the cats for their annual checkup and vaccinations.

Next week we're promised freezing nights and warmer sunnier days, and I might yet get some gardening done...

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