Monday, 3 February 2025

Vegetables and possums

 Netting the vegetables to deter the possums worked - almost.

Last night, when we were getting the cats in from their outdoor cat run we heard something crashing around in the vegetable patch.

The cats were alert and clearly ready to go and deal with whatever was the source of the noise.

Well, we didn't let the cats investigate, but we donned head torches and went and had a look ourselves.

It was a possum, which had somehow got under the net and tangled itself up in an attempt to steal some tomatoes, so we lifted the net and gently swished the tomato plants with some garden canes to encourage it to escape.

It didn't, it tried to hide and tangled itself up even more, so we ended up pulling the net off the tomatoes to encourage it to let go and free itself, which it did, eventually.

Reluctantly, because we want our tomatoes, we've removed the net because we don't like the idea of an animal being trapped overnight. 

Still, I think that possum had such a fright it won't be back - I can imagine back at possum central it telling its friends that it got stuck in a strange restraining net and some very odd bipeds with lights shining on their heads came and poked it - almost a possum alien abduction story.

However, the possums obviously havn't stolen everything, when I was taking the net off I found this ginormous patty pan that both we and the possums had missed ....

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